Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Matty was crying while behind a baby gate. AJ astutely points out, "Dad, you have to take him out of there and bring him downstairs to his natural place."


Matty crawled over and pulled down the back of AJ's chair. AJ responds by saying, "Hello, this is AJ's house, can I take your order please?" After a brief pause, AJ continues, "I'm sorry I do not understand your accent."

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Sam: Can we have a snack?

Dad: Maybe if you behave.

Sam: We'll be good.

Dad: If I believe that do you also have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell me.

Sam: Yes... It's big.

Looking out for Dad:

AJ: Dad, if you are thinking about kissing Sam, DON'T!!! I just farted on his face.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

The Puppy Truck

Keith was driving AJ to daycare one day when he was around 3 and they got behind a TrueGreen ChemLawn truck (the ones with the dalmation on the side).

From the back seat, Keith hears AJ say: "Look Daddy, it's the puppy truck. Looks like someone's been a good boy."

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Cash for Gold's new sponsor

AJ and Sammy are up in their room watching Qubo ( - a GREAT public television station for kids - no cable required) when he ran down and told Keith that "we should think about doing that thing on the commerical. That you can take a little gold and put it with a lot of gold and send it to this place and they will send you a lot of money. I think you send it to the guys that make gold."

He's awesome.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

As taken from my husband's facebook status

Sam is wearing 1 spiderman glove and holding a spiderman wallet claiming he is "Spiderman with a pocketbook." Meanwhile, Matty is rolling around on the floor with a toy shotgun and a little teddy bear dressed in a bridal gown...